Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What happens when you add God, a man, science, the gospel, a devolping nation, technology, and a bunch of people? I'm so glad you asked...

“Some knowledge is too heavy...you cannot bear it...your Father will carry it until you are able.”
-Corrie ten Boom

“There are also all sorts of things in our spiritual life where a thing has to be killed, and broken, in order that it may then become bright, and strong, and splendid.”
-CS Lewis

 Because this begins the rest of the story...  If you were to guess the answer to the question in the title you might throw out the mundane answer which is of the most obvious kind, "a mess."  And of course you'd be right.

Let me propose a small provocative statement before I end a brief introduction:

What you get with the above combination is this:  everything they never told you about life, you get the withheld information because "they"  whoever it may be have an agenda.  Oh, don't snarl such. We all have an agenda, and missionaries and the teachers of missions are of the least offensive in their agendas.

But how does one tell the stories/lessons that could change everything, without offending?  They're too hard.  Too heart breaking. Honestly, they are often too crass. And then at times the one who would share fears you might be filled with so much joy most of us fear you'll explode if you heard the behind the scenes stuff, on the mission field.

Me, I think you're tougher than that. You're not ready for living this life,  but don't let that offend you. None who have gone before ever were.

So, I'll post this little ditty and wait.  Once I have an audience, I'll say to myself, "self, you should probably post the first real article for the MISSIONARY Confidential blog you started.

Until then, and this part is yours, I'll go about my work learning the next lesson(s).

Here's how I figure it to happen.  In a week, a month or year there will be 100 or so who will sign up to get notified to this anonymous blog.  (Yes, they made me put a real name in there but let's just let it be my nickname on this blog).  Then I'll post the story I already have in hand.  Many will cringe and "un-sign" from getting the little notifiers.  Because they won't understand how incredible God is in it all. Instead, All they will see is a lesson that is hard to read, and could have been told with out the heart wrenching details.  They won't say it but it is because it makes them feel guilty for not taking up their cross today or for the last 5 years.

But maybe I'm wrong, I hope so, because that would mean that the bubbling essence of truth has surfaced once more.  And though HE is THE light of the world you didn't cower, and run inside when He  showed up.

 No, you remained, in the Light, in the Truth, you "held tight."  And when you do this..."hold tight to truth." Jesus says it does something for you  I'll let him describe it  (Jhn. 8.20ff).

So are you ready for this?  No?  Me neither! But if you can read and understand that beauty and pain often thrive together in the presence of God.  I'm pretty sure we'll get through this and maybe be better because of it


  1. not fair that you can remain anonymous but I have to "sign up" before you'll post the good stuff...

    1. Jenna, sorry for the anonymous bit, it goes up against most things I stand for when posting written material. At the same time... I eventually would like to write stuff that I couldn't without that superhero like barrier. :)

  2. hmmm... I'll keep one "not two", 1 eye open.
